A Bright Future with Sunshine

Have a great idea for a chapter fundraiser or SAE but need a little help getting started? Get up to $2,000 to cover start-up costs with this all-new program. Presented by Sunshine Quality Solutions and the Louisiana FFA Foundation, the Sunshine Chapter Sustainability Grant provides funds for Louisiana FFA Chapters to become self-sustainable. Grant applications will be submitted online through a simple process. First, tell us a little about yourself, and then describe a brief overview of your fundraising project, finally submit a short business plan explaining how the project will sustain your chapter's needs in the future, and you are done!

First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Start Date
End Date
Describe the business, revenue generator, or fundraiser your chapter is planning. Why and how was this particular program decided on? Who is the intended donor or customer? Who will be directly benefiting from this program. How will the project will be marketed or communicated to the intended audience?
Describe the anticipated revenue of the project. Include how cost of product or service was determined. Revenue should be considerably more than requested donation amount in order to be considered successful.
Describe the anticipated major expenses associated with this funding program or project. Include where you anticipate making any purchases. Then list the total expense. I.E. Green House: $000.00 Soil: $000.00 Gardening Tools: $000.00 Seeds: $000.00 Printed posters: $000.00 Total Expense: 000.00
Describe how Revenue and profits will be used. How much of the revenue will be returned back into the project for sustainability and growth? What will the remaining revenue (profits) be used for? How will the chapter determine if the program is considered a success? If successful, how does the chapter anticipate growing the program in the future? Keep in mind, total profits should be an amount greater than the amount requested in the grant.
Grants will be awarded up to $2,000. Please consider anticipated expense description in business plan before making request. Grant may be awarded less than the requested amount. A program update will be required at the close of the project timeline.
  • All Awardees must compile an Evaluation Report within 12 months of receiving funds. Failure to complete an evaluation report will result in ineligibility for any future grant or funding opportunities. Download the evaluation Report guide here.