ALEXANDRIA, LA (May 29th, 2023)- The Louisiana FFA is pleased to announce the grand opening of its much-awaited state convention expo. The Career and Tradeshow is presented by U.S. Army ROTC and opens on June 5th at 11:00 am at the Randolph Riverfront Center in Alexandria, Louisiana. Exhibitions include colleges, trade schools, and industry representatives. Special guests include viral content creators of the ag industry including Farm Stuff with Darrell, Tratter Co., Wandering Maverick Boutique, and more.
The expo aims to showcase the latest and greatest in the fields of agriculture, technology, education, and ag-advocacy. The event promises to be an excellent opportunity for industry professionals, FFA Members, and Advisors to collaborate, learn, and network.
Attendees can expect a wide range of exhibits to enhance their FFA experience and careers. The tradeshow will provide a platform for leading institutions, companies, and industry experts to share their expertise and career opportunities. The latest innovations and technology in the agriculture sector will also be on display.
“We are excited to sponsor this year’s Louisiana FFA and recognize the hard work and dedication of the FFA members and supporters. We are proud to be part of this event and look forward to seeing the positive impact for future collaboration between Army ROTC and Louisiana FFA members,” says Major Amber Clay who serves as a Professor of Military Science at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, and is representing Army ROTC at the Expo.
The Expo is a key element to the 94th annual Louisiana FFA Convention which boasts the largest gathering of FFA members in the state. Over 1,500 members, supporters, and guests are expected to be in attendance including major digital advocates of the ag industry. Gaitlin Didier, creator of Farm Stuff with Darrell will be in attendance with his family and co-stars for meet and greets with students. The Bibbins family has gained notoriety and over 5 million followers on social media. Together they have shown the fun side of agriculture and promoted farming and ranching around the globe with over 3 billion views on their content.
"We are thrilled to host the much-awaited tradeshow and provide a collaborative space for industry professionals and students to learn and network. Our aim is to promote a sustainable future for agriculture and technology, and the expo is a vital step in that process," said the Director of the Louisiana FFA Foundation, Raquella Manuel.
The expo will open at 11:00 am on Monday, June 5th, and close at 6 pm on June 6th. The 94th annual State FFA Convention will take place at the Randolph Riverfront Center in Alexandria from June 5th through the 8th. Exhibitions and FFA supporters across Cenla are invited to the Blue and Gold Benefit Gala at the Alexandria Museum of Art following the close of the expo to show their support of the Louisiana FFA.
About Louisiana FFA
The Mission of the Louisiana FFA is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. FFA is a dynamic, intracurricular, student-led organization for young men and women enrolled in agricultural education courses in middle and high schools. Through participation in FFA, members practice skills in animal and plant sciences, mechanics, business, environmental conservation, and leadership. The Louisiana FFA Association is made up of nearly 13,000 members in 212 programs across the state.