Ag teachers wear many hats. They teach agricultural skills and literacy, math, science, English, mechanics, and life skills. They provide leadership development for their students. When something needs to be fixed, the ag teacher gets the call. Many days and many miles are spent bringing FFA members to competitions, conferences, livestock shows, and more. Ag teachers are pillars in their communities who serve on civic and church boards and develop generational relationships with the families they teach. They are agricultural educators by choice and not by chance.
The FFA would not be made possible without our ag teachers. Learn more about agricultural education and how to become an agricultural educator.
Louisiana Agriscience Teachers Association
The Louisiana Agriscience Teachers Association (LATA) is a professional organization for the state's agricultural educators. LATA members are offered professional development and social opportunities to improve their craft. Ag teachers can network with colleagues around the state to advance the profession. For more information, teachers should visit the Advisors' Portal.
Louisiana Agriscience Teachers Hall of Fame sponsored by Louisiana Farm Bureau's Ag in the Classroom.
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