2024 Electrical Trip

Priority for Registration will be given to Chapters & Students who have participated in State or Area Electrical CDEs in the past year. However, this should not discourage registrations from being submitted. We will make every effort to accommodate all interested parties.
All registrations must be made through a Chapter Advisor. Registration is on a first come first serve basis. Please be considerate when reserving space as registration is limited.
Remember that dates include departure travel day, a Full Day at SELCAT, and Return Day.
Each chapter is responsible for their own transportation and will receive a $200 Travel Stipend for sending at least 2 students. Chapters may coordinate with each other for travel in groups.
Registrants must arrive at SELCAT before 7 pm on departure date. Registrants must depart from SELCAT by 10 am on Return Day. Any registrants who fail to attend will be charged a fee associated with the transportation stipend. A trip made possible by our partners at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 995.
*The departure date of October 16th does conflict with an Area Forestry Competition. With respect for our hosts, we ask that registrants not leave before the end of the program on the evening of October 15th, doing so will forfeit your travel stipend.