Area III Small Engines and Welding CDEs
ABC Westlake
Check-in begins at 8:00am
Event begins at 9:00am
Registration can be found on Judging Card
Area 3 Advisors,
For those of you in Area 3 who have teams qualify for the Area 3 Small Engines CDE at ABC Westlake on March 18 please read through the following instructions from Mr. Trevor Rushing, this year's event coordinator, regarding the CDE. Further instructions regarding the event will be given as it gets closer.
From Mr. Trevor Rushing:
1) Troubleshooting motors need to be delivered to Walker High School by Wednesday March 12th. Teachers, please let me know whether you are bringing me your engine or you are shipping it to the school. My contact information is or 225-223-2260.
Mailing Address:
Walker High School
ATTN: Trevor Rushing
9677 Florida Blvd
Walker, LA 70785
2) Parts ID will come from the 900 series motor and I will provide manuals for the parts ID Portion.
3)Reminder of engines needing to be in operating order and drained of oil and gas.
4) Reminder to bring parts manuals for troubleshooting for their motor model.
5)Reminder we will draw for assembly and troubleshooting
6) Please have your assembly engine at the contest by 8:45 so we can start on time.
Trevor Rushing
Ag Teacher/FFA Advisor
Welding Instructor
Walker High School
LATA President-Elect
Please call if you have any questions.