Area IV Spring CDEs
Southern AgCenter Livestock Arena
Check-in begins at 8:00am
Event begins at 9:00am
Registration can be found on Judging Card
Area 4 Advisors,
Please read the email below regarding instructions from this year's Area 4 Small engines CDE Coordinator Mr. Ward Bordelon. Further information regarding the Area 4 Small Engines CDE will be sent out closer to event.
The Area IV small engines contest will take place Friday, March 21st at the Southern Livestock Arena in Baton Rouge. Registration will start at 8:00 am and the contest will begin at 9:00 am.
1) We will draw to determine which team members compete in assembly and which compete in troubleshooting.
2)The Parts ID portion of the contest will be utilizing the parts list from the 950 engines . Every competitor should bring a copy of this parts list with them to the contest. The parts list can be found on the Louisiana FFA website under the small engines section of the CDE/LDE portion of the website.
3) Teams should also bring a copy of the parts manual that corresponds with their engine model.
4) Please bring sharpened pencils for the test and parts ID portions of the contest. '
5) Team members should be familiar with all the rules concerning the contest, especially the ones concerning safety.
6) Qualifying teams should have their troubleshooting engines either shipped or brought to me no later than Thursday March 13th in order to have sufficient time to bug the engines. Motors should be free of all oil and gas and have the school name and team name on the box as well as on the engine itself (Ex: Walker High/ Blue Team) The motors can be shipped or delivered by hand to the following address:
Louisiana School for the Agricultural Sciences
Attn: Ward Bordelon
5303 Hwy. 115
Bunkie, LA 71322
Please either email me at or call or text me at 318-240-3392
whenever you ship the motors or to set up a time to bring them. Also feel free to contact me with any other questions. Thanks.
Please call if you have any questions.