“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” - Thomas Jefferson to George Washington in 1787
A Noble Profession
Agriculture is the most important industry for the continuation of modern civilization. It has brought billions of people out of starvation and poverty and provides nations a path to economic prosperity. For 21st-century agriculture to succeed, an educated and highly-trained workforce is required. Agriscience teachers are on the front line delivering quality programs to thousands of agriculture students.
By Choice and Not By Chance
Agriscience teachers have chosen one of the most impactful and meaningful careers that one can pursue. Each day, the men and women teaching agriscience content dedicate themselves to their students, their schools, and their communities and leave a legacy that lives on with each child they teach.
A Belief in American Agriculture
From plants and the environment to animals and food; to mechanics and leadership, agriscience teachers are well-rounded professionals who impart critical knowledge and skills to preserve and advance the American agricultural industry.
Pillars of the Community
When something needs to be done in town, the agriscience teacher answers the call. Leading their students in service and citizenship, agriscience teachers make valuable contributions to society that stand the test of time.
How to Become an Ag Teacher in Louisiana

If you want to learn more about the National Teach Ag Campaign, see NAAE’s website and resources at National Teach Ag Campaign.